Benchmark Reading Level Conversion Chart to Ar


Taking the TOEFL is difficult plenty, so you shouldn't have to spend extra fourth dimension worrying about how your exam volition be scored or how to score your practice exams. Our TOEFL score figurer will assist you understand how your score is determined by explaining how the TOEFL is scored, what raw and scaled TOEFL scores are, and how to calculate your ain scores for each section of the TOEFL. Then, you tin can use this knowledge to hone in on exactly how to accomplish your TOEFL score goals.

How Is the TOEFL Scored?

If you're taking practise TOEFLs, you'll probably demand some help for scoring your tests. You tin can find links to the best TOEFL practice tests here. TOEFL prep books are as well a corking source of practice tests. Some of these resources, such as the Official Guide for the TOEFL, have their ain score conversion charts, but most practice not, so information technology tin can be very useful to know how to score your practice tests.

This guide volition focus on the TOEFL iBT, or the computer-based TOEFL, which is the version 97% of TOEFL examination-takers have. ETS, the visitor that creates and administers the TOEFL, gives very little data on the paper-based (pBT) TOEFL, and then it's difficult to provide an accurate TOEFL score calculator for that version of the test.

The TOEFL has four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. For each of those sections, y'all become a score from 0-30, which means your total TOEFL score will be from 0-120.You'll receive 1 or more points, depending on the blazon of question, for each question yous respond correctly. On the TOEFL, in that location is no penalty for choosing a wrong reply.

Raw vs. Scaled Scores on the TOEFL

If you've taken the TOEFL before or know a little about the test, yous may know that there aren't exactly thirty questions on each TOEFL section. So so why is each section scored out of 30? It's due to scaled scoring. The TOEFL has raw and scaled scores, both of which we'll explicate in this department.

Raw Scores

The total number of questions you lot answer correctly on each section of the TOEFL is what exam makers phone call a "raw" score. If a TOEFL Listening section has 34 questions and you get 31 of them correct, your raw score for that section would be a 31 (bold all questions are worth ane point, which we discuss more than in the next section). Still, you won't encounter a 31 on your TOEFL score report, instead, yous'll see a scaled score between 0 and 30.

Converting From Raw to Scaled Scores

A raw score doesn't mean much on its own. Information technology simply shows how many full questions you answered correctly. All the scores yous run across on your score report are scaled scores. ETS is pretty secretive as to how it converts scores, and verbal procedure of how raw scores are converted to scaled scores varies a bit for each TOEFL, and so there'south no 1 calculation to convert raw scores to scaled scores.

Yous tin utilise a general conversion nautical chart to get an idea of how your raw score volition translate to a scaled score, only the exact process will always depend on the specific exam you have. These variations in the conversion process are done to take into account slight differences in difficulty between individual TOEFL exams.

A slightly easier TOEFL means more people would get more answers right, resulting in higher raw scores for anybody. This wouldn't be fair to people who took a more challenging TOEFL because it would arrive seem like their English skills weren't as strong every bit the English skills of the people who took the kickoff exam. Scaled scores help reduce these differences so no one is penalized for taking a more difficult test.

So, getting a raw score of 40 on a more difficult Reading department where fewer people earn high scores might hateful you earn a scaled score of 29. But getting a raw score of 40 on an easier Reading section where more than people earn loftier raw scores might hateful y'all earn a scaled score of 27.

In full general, the exam-makers try their best to make TOEFLs similar to ane another, and so in that location shouldn't exist too much discrepancy betwixt tests, but there will e'er be some. This is why general conversion charts can human action only every bit a basic guideline, not a guarantee of how scores will exist converted.


How to Calculate Raw Scores for Each TOEFL Department

After you have a practise TOEFL, use these instructions to calculate your raw score for each section of the test. For some sections you can just add up the number of questions you answered correctly, while for others you'll need to employ rubrics to get your raw TOEFL iBT score adding. Retrieve, raw scores aren't what you run across on your score report, and so you demand to look at our raw to scaled score conversion charts in the next section to figure out what your final TOEFL scores will be.


iBT Raw Score Range: 0-45

All Reading questions are multiple option, and each question will be worth 1-three points. The majority of Reading questions are single-answer multiple-selection questions where you are given iv reply choices and only 1 is correct. Each of these questions is worth one bespeak. At the end of almost passage question sets is a question blazon known as "Reading to Learn." For these questions, you'll exist asked to organize the main points of the passage in either a chart or a summary. Different other Reading questions, Reading to Learn questions are worth 2-3 points. The number of points the question is worth will exist stated below the question, and partial credit is possible.

To calculate your Reading raw score, only give yourself one signal for every multiple choice question you answered correctly (and potentially 2-iii points for every Reading to Learn question). The sum of these points is your raw score.


iBT Raw Score Range: 0-34

Like Reading, all Listening questions are multiple selection, and well-nigh will have 1 correct reply. Still, there will also be some questions with ii correct answers and questions where you need to organize events or facts. Dissimilar Reading, each of these questions will only be worth one betoken, and so there are no Listening questions worth multiple points.

To calculate your raw Listening score, give yourself ane bespeak for each question you answered correctly. The sum is your raw score.


iBT Raw Score Range: 0-24

Speaking is probably the trickiest section to grade. If yous tin can, tape your answers. This volition make it easier to class yourself considering you'll have a tape of what you lot said and won't demand to rely on your retentivity. In that location are six Speaking tasks, and for each y'all'll receive a raw score of 0-4 (whole points only). The best way to judge your raw score for this department is to use the TOEFL'southward scoring rubric for the Speaking section. We accept a simplified version of the rubric below which makes it quicker and easier to grade your answers, merely y'all tin can likewise employ the official TOEFL Speaking rubrics. Information technology tin exist helpful to have a friend or tutor who has strong English skills grade your Speaking tasks in lodge to get a more objective and authentic view.

For each Speaking job, get over the rubric advisedly and decide which score best represents your response. Add those vi scores together for your raw Speaking score.

0 = Didn't answer, answered in a language other than English, or the spoken communication was incomprehensible.

ane = Speech communication was minimally related to topic, speech had numerous errors, was choppy, and/or was largely incomprehensible.

ii = Speech generally stuck to topic, merely didn't completely answer the question or follow the prompt. Speech communication was basically intelligible, simply had several mistakes in pronunciation, grammar, or was too elementary in vocabulary and style.

three = Speech addresses and fulfills topic, with pocket-size exceptions. Oral communication is mostly intelligible and fluid, though may take some bug with pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary. Demonstrates a fairly automated and fluid mastery of English, with some notable lapses.

4 = Spoken communication addresses and completely fulfills topic. Speech has a fluid and well-paced flow, with but pocket-sized lapses in pronunciation or grammar. Was coherent, intelligible, complete, and shows an automated and fluid master of English.


iBT Raw Score Range: 0-10

There are two Writing tasks, the Contained Writing Chore and the Integrated Writing Chore. Each is given a score from 0-5 (whole points only). Like Speaking, for Writing you lot'll demand to grade your own responses confronting the TOEFL rubric, but this section is often easier since you'll have your essays right there to await over every bit y'all're grading yourself. You tin can have another person grade you, and you can also review sample essays ( like from the resources we mentioned in the offset section of this guide) and their scores to get a ameliorate thought of what graders look for.

Below is a simplified rubric for grading your essays, or you can apply the official TOEFL Writing rubrics. Add both essay scores together to get your raw Writing score.

0 = No essay, essay is unconnected to the topic, or essay is not in English language.

i = Footling or no response to the prompt, or essay is more often than not incomprehensible.

2 = Essay somewhat follows topic, only shows pregnant difficulties in language, organization, and development. Uses no or very few examples.

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3 = Essay mostly follows topic and has some general organization and development. Uses some examples, but only vaguely connects them to the thesis or misses primal points. Has some errors in grammer or vocabulary.

four = Essays follows topic, simply is somewhat unorganized or is not fully developed. Essay uses relevant examples, simply lacks some clarity or connection between examples and thesis statement.

5 = Essays follows topic, is well developed and organized and uses relevant examples. Clearly ties examples to thesis statement. Essay demonstrates accurate use of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure with some minor errors.


How to Calculate Scaled Scores for Each TOEFL Section

Utilize the TOEFL score table below to convert your raw scores into scaled scores for each section of the exam. Subsequently you have your raw scores for each department, y'all can effigy out what scaled score each corresponds to past looking at the column on the far left. Then, for example, if you got a raw Reading score of 41, that translates to a scaled score of 29. A raw Writing score of eight would be a scaled score of 25.

Recall, the TOEFL score tabular array volition vary slightly for each test, and then this isn't an exact conversion, but it'll get you a good estimate of what your score would be on the real exam.

Scaled Score Reading Listening Speaking Writing
30 45, 44 34 24 x
29 43, 42, 41 33 23
28 40, 39 22 nine
27 38, 37 32
26 36 31 21
25 35, 34 30 20 8
24 33 29 19
23 32 xviii
22 31 28 17 7
21 30
xx 29 27 xvi 6
xix 28 26 15
18 27 25 14
17 26 24 thirteen 5
sixteen 25 23 12
fifteen 24 22
14 23 21 11 4
13 22 twenty
12 19 10 3
11 21 9
10 20 eighteen 8
9 19 17
viii xviii xvi 7 2
7 17 xv
vi fourteen 6
five sixteen xiii 5 ane
4 15 12 4
three xiv eleven 3
2 thirteen, 12 10
1 11, 10 9 two
0 9 and below viii and beneath one, 0 0

Why Are These Calculations Of import?

How does knowing how to calculate your different TOEFL scores help? The about important reason is that TOEFL score figurer can help you go accurate score estimates for practice tests y'all take that don't have their ain automated grading or score charts. This lets you get an accurate score for practice tests and so you take a amend thought of how shut you are to your TOEFL goal scores and where you need to make improvements.

Knowing the scaled score you got and how that compares to your goal scores is much more than helpful for studying than just knowing you got, say, 28/xxx on the Listening section. Having inaccurate TOEFL iBT score calculations may cause you to not study enough or study the incorrect materials since you're not scoring yourself correctly.

As well, if you proceed track of how many questions you lot weren't sure virtually on exam solar day, you can use that info to check the TOEFL score tables once you're back home and try to get a rough idea of how well you did on the TOEFL without waiting for your official score report.

Review: Using the TOEFL Score Computer

Many TOEFL practice tests don't include scoring tables, which can make it difficult to judge your score. The TOEFL uses both raw and scaled scores, but the scaled scores are the ones y'all see on your score study. As such, TOEFL iBT score calculations require more than than simply adding up the number of questions you got right; yous need to know how to convert from raw to scaled scores.

Later on finding your raw score for each section, you lot tin utilize the TOEFL score estimator chart to convert those numbers into scaled scores. Having this data is useful because it helps you get an accurate idea of how well you're doing on practice tests, which you lot can employ to adjust your studying in society to meet your TOEFL score goals.

What's Next?

Not sure what TOEFL score you lot should be aiming for?Acquire what a skilful TOEFL score is based on the schools you're interested in.

Looking for a great TOEFL prep book? A good prep book tin can be the most important study tool you use, and we have information on all the all-time TOEFL prep books you should consider.

Exercise tests are ane of the best means to ready for the TOEFL. We've gathered information on the highest-quality TOEFL practice tests into ane place so y'all have access to the best written report materials.


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